Condoms are a must have for almost all sexual activity. While they are commonly used as a contraceptive, they are also a means to protect individuals from sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Condoms are easy to apply when you have the right size for you.

Now it’s important to specify the two types of condoms available. Male external condoms and female internal ones. In this blog, we will be focusing on male external options. We'll cover some of the different sizes and give you some condom suggestions. 

Condom Sizes

Finding the best condom size for you can be a little tricky. It only takes millimetres for a condom to be too tight and uncomfortable. Ideally, you want a condom that will sit comfortably on your penis without slipping and falling off. The perfect condom size will fit like a glove and have none of the mentioned issues. 

Most condoms focus on the girth or width of your penis. Sizes are primarily determined by your girth and not your length. In Australia, most condom sizes will fit into these size categories:

  • Regular/Standard: 51-56mm 
  • Slimmer/Snud:49-52mm
  • Large: 56-60mm 
Condom Sizes

Most condom boxes will come with a nominal width or include a ruler so you can see which options best suit you. It’s important to remember that finding the right size for you can take some time but it will be worth it in the end. 

Choosing The Right Size Condom For You

Knowing what the best condoms for you are is only one step in finding the right size condom for you. Here are some ways you can make your search easier. 

Measure Yourself

One of the first things you should do when choosing condom sizes is to take your measurements. It’s important to note that measurements should be taken when your penis is fully erect. Here are some simple ways you can measure your penis:

For length: Place the measuring tape along the centre of your penis and measure from your pubic bone to the tip. Try to get as close to an accurate number as possible. 

For the width: You can do this part in two different ways. Either find a soft measuring tape and wrap it around your shaft or wrap a piece of string around your shaft and measure it. 

Look For Different Products

After you have your two measurements, you can check different brands to see which options best suit your size. In Australia, there are several condom brands you can go with, and all of them cater to different sizes. 

Depending on what your measurements are, there are different Australian condoms for every size. Some of the more popular brands include:

  • Lifestyles
  • Four Seasons
  • Lifestyles SKYN
  • Durex 

Take a look at the different options and see what Australian condom sizes best suit you. You can find the measurements listed in product descriptions or on the condom packaging. At Wild Fantasy, you can find the nominal lengths for our condoms in the product descriptions. We highly recommend our customers read this information before purchasing. 

Ask For Advice Or Read Product Reviews

Learn from other customers and see what options are best suited for you. You can ask friends and confidants what they would recommend and see if you’re interested in trying any of their suggestions. Although if you don’t want to talk to someone in person, you can always look up product reviews to find out what the best options are. Learn from other people’s experiences and see what condom options you would like to try. 

Top Condoms For Each Size

Our Top Condoms For Each Size

If you’re looking for recommendations, you have come to the right place. Now you have an understanding of the different condom sizes in Australia, let’s go over some of the best condom options for each size range available at Wild Fantasy

Regular/Standard Condoms

Regular or Standard condoms have a nominal width of 51-56mm. Different brands will have varying features, and here are some of our favourites:

LifeStyles Regular Condoms 12pc

Four Seasons Naked Classic Condom 12pc

Slimmer/Snug Condoms

Australian condom sizes for slimmer or snug condoms have a nominal width of 49-52mm. Take a look at some of our top condoms and see if you want to try any of them:

LifeStyles Zero with Dots Condoms 20pc

LifeStyles Zero Condoms 20pc

Large Condoms

Large condom sizes in Australia have a nominal width of 56-60mm. Have a look at some of our top options to see if any stand out to you:

LifeStyles Large Condoms 12pc

Four Seasons Naked Larger Condom 12pc


While these are only some of our available condom options, you can find more in our Condoms collection. Look through different options and be sure to read the product descriptions to find out if it’s the right size for you. 

Is There Anything Else You Should Know About Condoms? 

You can find out more information about condoms from our How To Put A Condom On Correctly blog. See if there’s any useful information and learn tips and tricks for how to put on a condom correctly.