There are many fun and exciting ways to help get your boyfriend in the mood. But if you want some simple tips and tricks that will catch his attention, you’re in the right place. Here are some ways you can get your boyfriend's attention.
Give flattering comments
Whether you’re out in public or at home, giving nice comments will boost his confidence and show you’re interested. But if you want this step to be effective, stick to risqué comments that will draw his attention. From commenting about his physique to letting him know what your favourite sex positions are, there are plenty of ways you can sexually grab his attention.

Make eye contact
Now, you might not believe this works, but it doesn't have an effect, but it will tease if for a while. Catching his eye in a teasing way will show that you’re interested and in the mood. But you have to be very careful with this trick, too much eye contact can make him feel uneasy, and not enough may be perceived as disinterest. Keeping flirty eyes and making eye contact can communicate a lot to him. However, it can take some time and practice to fully master this step.
Use his name
When dating, it can be very easy to slip into using pet names. But you can add a little spice by using his name in a sexual way. Don’t be afraid to moan his name, or say it in passing to get your boyfriend’s attention. By saying your boyfriend's name, you are not just striking up a conversation, you’re showing you want his attention. And saying his name in different ways will give your new opportunities to tease and entice him.

Show off his favourite physical features
Every person has different parts of their partner's body that turns them on. Exploiting these features, or enhancing them, it’s a simple way to sexually grab his attention. He won’t be able to take his eyes off you and is one of the easiest ways to get your boyfriend’s attention. You can show off your assets by wearing lingerie or doing a strip tease.
If you are interested in adding some lingerie to your wardrobe, have a look at our Sexy Lingerie collection.
Be flirty with your speech and hand gestures
Get your boyfriend's attention by being more flirty with your moods and gestures. From running your hands up and down his arms to whispering teasing things in his ear, there are many ways you can be a little flirty. And don’t be afraid to get your mouth involved either. Nibble, tough and whisper flirty words that will sexually grab his attention.

Find toys you can incorporate
Purchasing new sex toys will almost immediately catch your boyfriend’s attention. At Wild Fantasy, we have a range of sex toys that are perfect for all your teasing needs. We have a collection of Male Sex Toys and Couple Sex Toys for you to explore. Go through different options and look for something sexual to catch his attention.
Use aphrodisiacs
Foods, scents and other sensations are incredible ways to sexually arouse his attention. These foods and items will elicit desires, turning him on and keeping him interested in you. Some easy to find aphrodisiacs are chocolate, strawberries and watermelon. Try putting together an indulgent platter and see if you can spark a reaction in your boyfriend.

Organise a romantic evening
Bringing a little romance will make all the difference in getting your boyfriend’s attention. It can be very easy to slip into a regular, everyday routine, that you can forget to bring a little romance to your relationship. By taking a moment to stop and prepare a romantic evening, you’re doing something out of the ordinary that your boyfriend won't expect.
Find the perfect attention grabbing romantic night ideas in our How To Make A Romantic And Sexy Date Night blog. Go through the different suggestions to see if there’s anything your partner will enjoy.
Do a strip tease
Give your boyfriend his own personal show, and that will grab his attention. Now, this step may take a little practice, but with time it can be something both you and your partner will enjoy. Start by putting on some music and dance seductively. You can grab props, dress in sexy clothes and maybe even do a lap dance. See what you can come up with and put on a jaw dropping show.

Take control
There’s no rule to suggest he always has to be in charge. Being upfront and showing him that you're interested is one of the best ways to get your boyfriend’s attention. Just remember that confidence is key to making this suggestion work, and there’s no better way for you to go all out. You can even add a little BDSM play to your plan.
Take a look at our Bondage collection and get some ideas of ways you can have fun.
Have some phone fun
Whether you have tried it before or not, through sexting and phone sex you can tease and entice your boyfriend from anywhere. With simple messages, you can easily get your boyfriend's attention and ensure it is focused entirely on you. Try this suggestion out and see what tempting things you can come up with.
Be open to new things
Try not to be shy when getting your boyfriend's attention. Go out of your way and do new things you may not have tried before. Being open to new things will show you new and exciting ways you can tease and entice your partner. So do something a little different, step out of your comfort zone and sexually grab his attention.