Knowing how to seduce a man and drive him crazy is a fantastic way to keep him interested in you.
But part of knowing how to seduce your boyfriend is that you can be discreet and subtly create sexual tension.
You can try out some of our tips, or all of them. See what your partner likes and learn how to seduce a man.
Our 13 Tips For How To Seduce Your Boyfriend And Make Him Crazy For You
Learning how to seduce your man isn’t an instant thing. It can take some time and a lot of practice to learn what he likes and what will get him in the mood, but that doesn’t mean the entire learning experience can’t be fun. Here are some of our top tips that will help you seduce your boyfriend.

Make eye contact
This may not seem like a big deal, but frequently making eye contact with him will show that you’re interested. Your eyes can communicate your desire without ever saying a word. Use this technique to your advantage whenever you’re in the mood.
Simply hold his gaze for a little longer than normal whenever he is talking, or you’re spending time together. The real trick for mastering this technique is knowing when you have reached the perfect amount of eye contact. Over time you can experiment with different time lengths until you learn how to hold his attention. It can feel uncomfortable at the beginning but will slowly feel like second nature.
Be confident
One of the best things to remember when learning how to seduce a man is to be confident. There’s no need for you to feel self conscious when you’re teasing and enticing your partner. And let’s face it, men find confident women incredibly sexy. Being confident can be used with any of our tips and will only make them better. When you believe you're hot and sexy, that feeling is passed on to your partner. Showing a little confidence will seduce and keep him interested in you. Building confidence in yourself can take time, but you won’t regret it.
Wear risqué clothing and accentuate his favourite features
Whether you choose to wear lingerie or a particular outfit, one of the easiest ways to seduce your partner is by accentuating his favourite features. From wearing revealing clothing or items that highlight your best features, there are plenty of ways your appearance can tease and entice your partner. But remember, learning what your partner enjoys can take some time, but be worth it in the long run. See what items work best and use them whenever you’re in the mood to seduce him. Have a look at our Sexy Lingerie collection to see if you would like to try any of our favourite products.

It’s an age old technique that will show you’re interested in him almost as much as he is in you. At times your relationship starts to fizzle, and you can bring back the spark by flirting. With many options to choose from, you can cycle through different techniques and learn how to seduce a man. From running your hands up and down his body to whispering in his ear, learn how to seduce your boyfriend by going back to basics and flirting with him.
Put some effort into your appearance
Now, we have discussed ways to accentuate his favourite features, but there are simpler and more long term ways you can seduce him. Help keep him interested in you by putting effort into your everyday appearance. You don’t have to do this all the time, but on occasion, it will surprise and keep him interested in you. From putting on makeup to wearing a new outfit, you can capture his attention in small and simple ways. Over time you will learn what combinations work best when seducing your boyfriend and utilise them to your advantage.
Tease him with foreplay and walk away
A fantastic trick to learn is how to seduce your boyfriend and walk away. Give him everything he could desire and more… then walk away before he can finish. This will drive him crazy and leave him craving for more. You can go off and do some mundane chores and come back to help him find his release. Do this every now and then to keep him interested and wanting more.

Touch him
From touching him intimately or platonically, one of the best ways to learn how to seduce a man is by getting your hands involved. You can give him a massage, run your hands up and down his body, or tease him with some gentle caresses. Everyone has different erogenous zones, so have a little fun as you discover where all of his are. And you can make the experience more pleasurable by adding some of our top selling Massage Oils.
Introduce some sex toys to your foreplay
At Wild Fantasy, we know how much fun this step can be. When you first start learning how to seduce your boyfriend, one of our favourite ways to drive them crazy is by adding a new sex toy to your foreplay. From vibrators to masturbators, there are plenty of ways you can tease and entice your partner. Sex toys have the fantastic ability to create lots of pleasure with minimal effort. Have a look at our Couples and Male Sex Toys to see if there’s anything you want to add to your seduction techniques.
Don’t be afraid to have some alone time
You don’t always need to have him there to experience pleasure, and having some alone time will show him how desirable you are. Let him know what you’re doing, or keep him in the dark, the choice is up to you. While being sexy in front of him is a great form of seduction, having him thinking of you when you’re not there will drive him crazy. Give this tip a go and see what positive impact it has on your relationship.

Send sexy messages
Everyone has heard about the wonders of sexting, and you can make it more impactful by incorporating it into your foreplay. Learn how to seduce a man with words and images and see what drives him crazy. And as a bonus, if you weren’t in the mood when you started, you definitely will be after sending some sexy messages. Just remember to be confident and while it can feel awkward, know that your boyfriend is enjoying every minute of it.
We’ve spoken about how you can communicate with your eyes, but did you know your mouth can do the same? Whether you smirk, bite your lip with a grin, or laugh, your smile is one of your best features. By getting your boyfriend to focus his attention on your lips, you’re able to entice him to kiss you. It’s a simple and effective way to draw his attention, and you can easily incorporate it into your seduction techniques.
Try dirty talking
Dirty talking is a great way to show you’re interested in your boyfriend. Whether you choose to do it over the phone or in person, you can drive your boyfriend crazy with a little dirty talking. But remember some experimentation will be needed for this step. Everyone has different turn ons, and what will work for one person may not for another. Try out different methods until you find the best seduction technique.
Have fun
Seducing your boyfriend isn’t just for him... it's for you as well. While it can feel awkward at times, you can build your confidence and have fun.
Take your time to try our tips and learn how to seduce your boyfriend in a way that drives him crazy.